Wipers 2025

Social Responsibility

At Mr. Lube + Tires, we take our social responsibilities very seriously. Both on a community and an environmental level, we go out of our way to help out. The Mr. Lube + Tires franchise network is spread throughout the whole of Canada, allowing us to come to grips with local and national issues wherever we can help make a difference.

As the leading quick lube provider in Canada, we process huge quantities of used oil. As such, we understand and accept our responsibility to the planet and future generations. So alongside the many steps that we take to limit our environmental footprint, we ensure that every drop of oil we change is recycled for further use.

We are also strong believers in community. In addition to the great service we provide daily, we enjoy getting out into our surrounding communities and helping with grass roots issues as well as supporting a number of significant national causes.

The majority of our charitable work is carried out by the Mr. Lube + Tires Foundation, set up in 2002. Since it was formed, the Mr. Lube + Tires Foundation has raised and donated over $5.9 million. These are just a few of the many charities we provide support to:

Environmental Policy FAQs

At Mr. Lube + Tires, we’re all about the big picture. Not only do we give back to our local community, we want to give back to the planet as well.

Simply put, we’re committed to environmental protection and to safeguarding the health of employees, customers, and the general public.

When it comes to safety, we always on the lookout for ways to identify, assess and manage any health, safety, and environmental hazards. And we get our employees on board as well. In fact, all of our employees are trained in operating procedures where safety hazards exist and where WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System) regulated products are handled. We also keep our customers involved by communicating with them in a timely manner about the environmental aspects of our operations and our products.

We’re serious about this issue. That’s why we responsibly manage all areas of our business to meet all recognized environmental standards and legal requirements. When benefits justify the costs, we even go out of our way to exceed legal requirements. Environmental considerations are also incorporated into engineering, design, and long-range planning.

We don’t like to boast, but the truth is that we lead the automotive maintenance sector in recycling used products. We also purchase product in bulk to reduce packaging. Here are a few examples of how we give back to the planet.

  • All used oil, oil filters, bottles, cardboard packaging and used coolant are picked up and recycled by licensed collection companies.
  • The public is encouraged to return used oil products and filters for free to Mr. Lube + Tires for recycling.
  • Where possible, the majority of our oil sold is delivered in bulk oil tanks which help reduce packaging and recycling requirements. For those sites that can accommodate it, transmission oil is also delivered in bulk tanks further reducing packaging.
  • The special soaps we use in cleaning are environmentally friendly.
  • Interceptor systems installed in Mr. Lube + Tires stores prevent automotive fluids, dirt and debris from entering into the freshwater system. These fluids and debris are then recaptured and recycled.
  • Programmable Logic Control (PLC) panels in newer stores monitor the level of gasses and water, and will shut off air, water pumps and electrical to prevent flood and fire or explosion risk.
  • Extensive emergency response procedures are in place to handle oil spills.

Ontario companies that market motor oil and antifreeze/coolant are required to pay a fee to the Ontario Ministry of Environment to increase the reuse and recycling of used product and reduce the amount going to disposal. The Mr. Lube + Tires locations in Ontario charge a small amount with every oil change to offset this fee.

The Environmental Fee is remitted to the Ontario Ministry of Environment. The amount of the remittance is based on the type and quantity of the product or part. The Shop Supply fee is to cover assorted supplies and hardware used to service your vehicle.

Your feedback is important to us.